Permainan gurauan?

Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permainan. Dan sesungguhnya kehidupan negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan yang sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui. (29:64)

Sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. (47:36)

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau (57:20)

Peringatan demi peringatan dari Allah

Tapi tetap lalai dengan dunia

Bermujahadah sikit boleh

Do we have this true iman in our heart?

The power of iman is such that once it fills the heart of a true believing Mu’min it is impossible to be removed. (Sahih Bukhari)

Associating this hadith to the iman of Sumayyah, Bilal, Khubaib bin ‘Ady,...many others

Their faith, believes towards Allah were really great that others embrace Islam because of them, affected and amazed by their iman.

Because of her iman towards Allah, Sumayyah never turned back to her way of living before Islam (jahiliyyah).

Umar Al Khattab changed 180 degree after reading Surah Taha verse 1-14.

Hmmm...what about our iman?

If our believes are easily changed, trampled over by hawa', beaten by syaitan..

It must mean that IS IT ACTUALLY NOT STRONG ENOUGH to the extent of permanently filling your heart like in the hadith?

not strong enough to the extent of wanting to grip it hard never letting it go?

not strong enough to the extent of causing a huge transformation to our way of living? our way of thinking? our way of viewing life? like Sumayyah and Umar


If it is not strong enough then make it strong

You have no excuse

You know the way